Thursday, November 8, 2012

Grown up?

Okay, it's been months.
I got a job. I loved it. And then I hated it. As much as I love photography, I hate explaining how it works to every single person that came into the store. But I loved selling cameras... and on the rare occasion that someone came in that could actually talk shop with me.... oh that was heaven.
But. Then my life changed. I begged my way onto the Wizard with my uncle.... essentially a one way ticket to Alaska and an amazing opportunity to take pictures of the things that people really only see on TV.
So I quit my job. It seemed easier than trying to figure out how to take three weeks off to go on an adventure.
And we moved to Portland. I was miserable in Seattle. I had no social life.... something insanely new for me.... So Nik and I made the leap to moving in with friends. Technically I lived in Portland the day before I left for Alaska.... but not really. All my stuff was there... and my heart and mind were already in the Gulf of Alaska and in my stateroom on the Wizard.
Now, I could describe my two weeks on the Wizard, and at some point I will write it all down because I was smart enough to keep a journal. Let me just say I only threw up once from sea sickness, I had an amazing time, Dutch Harbor treated me REALLY well.... and a sad really short two days after I arrived in Dutch I was on a tiny, terrifying little prop plane on my way to Anchorage and then onto Portland.
My popularity statistics for the week of 10/14
From the moment I landed in Portland there is only one word that can describe how I felt: RESTLESS. I was wishing with my whole soul that I was back in Alaska on a grand photo adventure. More than a thousand photos later.... being on that ship for two weeks finally gave me the motivation to do what I've been waiting to do my whole life... Be a photographer. The thousands of Deadliest Catch fans looking at my Facebook Photography Page helped too... Compliments on my work were pouring in and I watched the numbers climb from hundreds of people seeing my page to more than sixteen thousand. That was a little jaw dropping for me.... and a really good reality shock. My friend Megan convinced me to yet again apply for my dream job: being a photographer for a cruise line. My hurting bank account decided this was a very good idea.... along with applying for a multitude of jobs in Portland. I stalked Norwegian Cruise Lines' website and found they were having a hiring fair in Portland.... and so began my nerves. I had applied over and over again to multiple cruise lines and had never heard anything back.... Because I realized that I was just ANOTHER art school grad with no REAL experience. But, I convinced myself that if I could just an interview, my fabulously infectious personality would do the rest for me. I was BORN for cruise life.
I impressed the first woman who interview with me. I might have thrown in that I had just freelanced for Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch.... but I DID. Then began the lovely waiting game.
I was on my way to Ashland for a weekend (for my sanity) to see my friend Dan play Romeo in Oregon Shakespeare Festival's Romeo & Juliet and spend the weekend with my friend from high school, Tucker. On the way there, about an hour into my drive I got a call from a number in Miami. (Commence freak out) The woman scheduled me for my second (first really) interview for the next Monday morning. (Commence second freak out and calling everyone I know. While driving. Yes, I know Mom, that's illegal)
All I have to say about my time in Ashland is that I feel sorry for Tucker having to put up with me freaking out about an interview that could potentially change everything I wanted.... and I would actually have an income again. Oh, and Romeo and Juliet was amazing. That too. It was a perfect weekend minus the stress... walking around Ashland drinking coffee and taking pictures, curling up with a book in a small cafe and going to both a play and a costume party in one night. It felt like I had my social life back. It was heaven. I even extended my trip by a day and had my interview from my amazing Skype app on my phone before packing up my stuff and trying to remind myself to breathe the entire way back to Portland.
She had said she would be in touch by that Friday. Friday came and went and the few people that I had told about the interview called and texted and checked in to see if I had gotten the job, as they were sure I would, and as the day went on I sank even more into my couch in my sweatpants and a deep bit of self loathing.
The photo I donated to Elegant Affair for an auction piece
They didn't call. I proceeded to hate every photo I had ever taken and curse getting my degree in photography because NO ONE WOULD EVER HIRE ME.  I was obviously un-hire-able. Nik was very near smacking me.
Monday came again and I called and left a message checking in on the status of my interview. No answer. And no return call. So I gave up. I messaged my friends abroad, a few of my close friends from France and attempted to figure out what I was going to do. Going home was the top of my list, to get back on my feet again. But that's the last thing I really wanted.... But I didn't want to stay in Portland. I've barely been here a month, and it's beautiful.... But not somewhere I wanted to call home for now.
A friend messaged me back and told me about how she's an au pair. Perfect. Problem solved. It wasn't going home and it wasn't staying here. It was going to give me opportunity to travel. To be in Europe and take pictures and figure out what I really wanted again. I applied to a few families and had two get in touch with me within that couple of hours... One in France and one in Ireland.
Nik the book nerd. My first portraits in months
I won't lie. I screamed when I got off the phone. And almost cried I was so happy. And then called Nik, my mom, my dad, my brother, my grandparents, Gail, my cousin, my aunt. Everyone. And proceeded to text everyone in my recent texts as well.

So now, as I sit here in my somewhat clean Portland apartment awaiting my assignment of location and drinking a glass of wine (Old Moon Old Vine Zinfandel from Trader Joes.... delicious).... I feel like a grown up. Sort of.
Nik, being fabulous for me today during light tests

I get to travel. And work my ass off seven days a week for six months doing something that I LOVE. (Dream job... remember?) And then I'll proceed to buy my plane ticket to Ireland for next summer and possibly pick up another contract in the fall. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm finally ready to do what I've been waiting for after picking up the pieces of my broken life in Savannah.

So we'll see how this goes.

I also get the fabulous position of playing photographer for the next few days. My favorite model (and one of my favorite writers) Kaitlin McMillan is coming to play dress up with me and do amazing amounts of photo shoots while on her way to Seattle. Pictures to come. Amazing ideas flying everywhere.... She and I do good things together. I can't wait. 

Ready, set, go.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

21 Days to Midsummer

My friend, Ben Frankenberg started this genius project, inspiring me to do.... something. So after three weeks, this is what I've come up with.

It’s hard to take in the passing of days sometimes. It’s harder still to think that in twenty-one days, picking up my camera daily felt like a hassle. Where has my ambition gone? Twenty-one pictures for twenty-one days. Simple. Like breathing through my lens as I’ve been doing for the last six years.

            Not as easy. But having twenty-one days to be inspired…. much easier. I wrote down all the things that I talk about daily, the people I think about, the concepts of art that cross my mind… and realized I couldn’t put it into three short weeks. Which is a good thing. I spent some time adding to a past body of work, Somewhere In Between, which was the secondary part of my senior showcase over a year ago. It’s work about loving, leaving and being lost in the transitory state of not having a home, or rather a person to share that home with. It’s work that I don’t know when it will be finished… until it is. Perhaps when I stop waking up in an empty bed with the dreams of people long gone.
             I drew out some sketches for a project I’ve been concepting for more than a year- making ball gowns out of recycled materials… Starbucks cards, shredded tires, pop tabs from sodas, records and so on. But again, that’s something so much bigger than right now… It’s something that is still in the baby steps stages of a three or more year project. Which is hard to explain to people… that kind of patience. Or insanity. Either one qualifies.
But I did take some pictures. I did take the time daily to try and remember why I started this photographer adventure years ago. And I was reminded that photography is like breathing for me. I may not actually take a picture every day, but I compose shots in my head, I file away color profiles, I drink in the beauty of my own eyes and how my lenses made of glass and plastic change how I see. I take the nuances of imagery, the subtle shadows and lines and details that thrill me, make my heart beat faster, and put everything together in my head to create perfect images that I hope will one day be created by my hands and hard work. And so I breathe.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Retrospective from Red Lipstick and Photographs

 So, this is something that I posted back in September when I had three weeks by myself, contemplating the universe. It's from my other blog Red Lipstick and Photography, but I'm "cleaning" my digital files and reverting everything back to one blog. This is really one of the only posts I found interesting enough to keep. Seeing as it was written months ago, and the months that had passed have now turned into more than a year... I feel like it's an interesting piece about time. And I still feel the same way about almost every word I wrote, and every picture that I took. There are more to add to this collection as well, though I'll post them at a later time.
Anyway, just a little retrospective into my life, since no one really read this the first time around. I'm definitely happier now, but still really getting used to the same changes.

September 18th, 2011
I've recently found myself lacking my creativity. And its a daily struggle to think about getting it back. At SCAD, there was a constant flow of creativity and ideas around me at all times. So to be away from there has taken the sounding board of my fellow creatives away from me, something that I'm now realizing that I certainly took for granted.
In the last few weeks of my constant job search, it has absolutely terrified me that I don't have my creativity. Yes, I can spin words to make a great cover letter, but no one is hiring me. No one has even given me a chance or an interview, and it truly scares me. I know that I'm talented, but I'm not the best I could be. I feel like when I left SCAD, I was finally coming into my own and making work that impressed people. And now I feel as if that competence within my own work is slipping away. Part of me wonders if it's because I no longer have the overwhelming feelings of both being in a relationship and ending one... such strong emotions are things that can fuel creativity like no other, because they need an outlet. While Maddie and I didn't officially break up until January of this year, around this time last year I knew that things weren't going well... with the added six hour time difference and us not talking and being so far away from one another... it was felt.

So lately I feel as if I have no drive. And that my only creative outlet seems to be writing, which is a great option, until I want people to read what I've written. I have so many thoughts about the state of my relationship(s) but there are so many things that would hurt people, hurt relationships... even though it's the truth. And that's what I miss about photography right now; the beauty of the truth skewed in my own perspective so it doesn't hurt anyone but still accurately depicts my feelings.

I do have some new work that continues from part of my senior show, Somewhere in Between.
I've added the new work below, as well as the originals from my show, and the somewhat narrative that it has taken on. 
As I wrote months ago,

We are all in between something. 
Jobs, shoe sizes, houses, airports, lovers, soul mates.
We are in between the grief of loss, the acceptance of loneliness and the warmth of happiness.
Life is a transitory state. 

I think we got lost, somewhere in between
She doesn't deny it
 I left because she wanted me to
She's not the same
She wants something I don't have
She's busy
I miss her. Even though it's over
She kissed me goodbye
She left. She always leaves
She cries as much as I do
I moved. She said there was no hope. But I don't want to let go
She hates this
She misses me
I don't understand
She says she still needs me
All we do is fight
She says she missed me
She told me she loved me one night. After it was over
I don't know how this ends
I still don't know where to begin again.

Overall, I think my work shows a change.... that I've changed since I wrote that and things are slowly getting better. Or something like that.