Thursday, July 14, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Wow. It's been a long two months since I've written anything. In the last two months I've tackled:
My first wedding; Bethany and Dustin
Senior finals (4.0 baby!)
My senior showcase; Just Let Go and saying goodbye to Cooper
My family coming to Savannah.
Graduation and saying goodbye to my closest friends
Driving to Memphis and back
My second wedding; Sarah and Chris
Officially moving out of 311 E 38th St and cleaning it like no other
Packing and shipping more than 200 lbs of my life back to California
Being re-united with Cooper
My second 3rd of July away from home
My first 4th of July in Savannah
A LOT of margaritas and hugs goodbye
Actually leaving the DFW airport. I think it was the 12th or 13th time I've flown through there and until a week ago, I'd never been outside.
Lauren's bridal shower and bachelorette party!
Flying home.
Having a first date that should have happened..... 5 years ago.
Unpacking said 200 lbs of stuff
Moving into my brother's room, as mine is now the guest room.
Remembering what it's like to live in a small town.

The small town part still blows my mind a little bit. I forgot what it's like to go to the grocery store and know everyone there. And that no one really changes here, or we have changed, but the second one sees ones friends from high school, one falls back into the roles we had back then.
So now the real test of life begins... Job searches, finding where I want to live, maybe moving again, finding a new love and letting go of the threads of old... It's going to be an adventure. I'm ready. For anything. I just want to get in the car and drive... just go anywhere and do anything and take pictures. Yep. That's what I want.

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