Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Funny How Time Flies

And here we are another 2 months later. How did that happen? It's not that I haven't had thoughts about writing in the last two months. I've had plenty of things I've wanted to say, though I find them not appropriate for everyone to read. So I've kinda just cataloged them in my head for a later date when they're slightly less relevant to my immediate life, but still just as interesting of thoughts.  In the last two months I feel like I've traveled all over California...oh, wait... that's because I have. Erin and I road tripped down to San Luis Obispo in the beginning of August to help Joelle move back to Tahoe before she turned around and moved to Berkeley to start at Cal. We drove back up the Pacific Coast Highway on our way back, SLO to Monterey and then home from there, and then I spent 7 hours by myself driving up to visit Erin two weeks after that, and then driving myself back down the PCH to my cousin's house in Santa Rosa... So I've managed to essentially accomplish my goal of driving the PCH this summer. Though it wasn't exactly how I wanted it, I was supposed to do it with Dylan. Maybe one day we will, though I don't really think that's going to be any day in the immediate future. Or my foreseeable future for that matter. But I would still like to.

After driving up and down the coast it was 3 straight weeks of work (the paychecks were worth it), then Savannah for a whirlwind weekend for Pam and Paul's wedding, as well as 4 photoshoots, a dinner party, bachelorette party, dress fitting and multiple meeting ups with my friends and my darling husband, Cooper. Then it was back to Tahoe for 3 short day and a flight down to San Diego, where I currently am. I've been here for a week and all I've been doing is applying for jobs and reading (And a fabulous day of just netflix and nothing else) and more reading.
Once you find yourself alone.. your head starts to drive you crazy. Really. My friend Derek lives down here, and I hung out with him, his girlfriend and our other friend from home, Keelan, last week. And then last night I hung out with my psuedo-little sister Devyn. Besides that... I've been absolutely horrible about staying on my diet and getting more and more depressed daily by the fact that I don't have a job in my field, as well as the fact that I don't have a temp job either. Among that there are so many other things I worry about; finding a car that I can afford, making money, making people happy, the constant stress of making images that can be considered art, dating again and all those fun things...

Needless to say, I don't know if the time by myself (well, and the dogs, but they just look at me with their puppy dog eyes and want me to feed them) is necessarily as good for me as I thought it would be. It's making me look at a lot more of my flaws than I want to. That and I feel like a little bit of a fool wearing stilettos around the house, but I have to preserve some of my humor somehow. Books at least are a good escape for my mind... but I've gone through four 400 something page books since last Saturday... so in 6 days. I only have five books left, and my bank account won't accept me splurging on new ones. So.... that should be interesting.

I am motivated to go for a run though, because there's actually a scale here and as much as I hate myself every morning for stepping on it, it's become and addiction for me. (Did I add that the stilettos make my calves look fabulous... just another good reason to wear them.) I don't think it's necessarily a healthy addiction either... just one that's going to make me despise myself for a million more things.

Anyway. I'm going slightly crazy being here by myself. I'll willingly take phone calls and skype dates from anyone willing to give them :)

Pacific Beach with a fisheye lens. Sexy, I know.

Tahoe at 2:30 AM after a night rainstorm with the glow from Reno on the left and Carson City on the right.
So hopefully I'll write soon with some fabulous news that one of the 18 jobs I've applied for has hired me and that I'll have a fabulous start to my career and soon after I'll be famous. Or something like that.

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