Friday, April 6, 2012

That Panic Feeling

Does anyone remember me right when I got accepted to SCAD? I was a freaking mess. Not because I thought I wouldn't do well at school, not because I was ridiculously relieved to ACTUALLY have gotten into a school (Though, Plan B, as my sister will tell you, was to move to Australia. I woke her up at 3 am freaking out about if no one wanted me. She told me to shut up and go back to sleep.) but because I thought I wouldn't be able to make friends. So, if you know me at all, you can realize that this was a completely irrational fear. Because I talk to everyone, and (not to brag) for the most part everyone likes me. I can honestly say that there are very few people who do dislike me, and they have very good reason. So, five years later..... aka now.... I'm terrified of not making friends. I've been in Seattle a grand total of nine days. And I've made no friends. Granted, I haven't started work, I haven't really left my apartment that much, and I haven't gotten a lot of my shit figured out.... but I'm terrified. I know five people in this city; one is practically my little sister, three I went to college with (but one is moving next week), and one who is my parent's friend. Oh, and my roommate, but she doesn't count because she moved her with me.
Because I realized that our fantastically well connected, beautiful little gem of a town really never taught us to meet people. The people that I met in Savannah were through school itself; the dorms (made some of my best friends there), the rowing team (made some of the best memories I have there...), the photo building and the community theater. And those are all people I met and became involved with by proximity and then by mutual EVERYTHING because Savannah really is such a small city. But my Tahoe friends? I've had them since birth, first grade or middle school. We were never taught how to go out and meet people. And I realize that this gives me an insane fear of rejection.
Yet, I do know that I'm panicking for no reason. The fact that I didn't leave my apartment yesterday probably didn't help.... And the job interview I was supposed have this morning got canceled due to the manager having a migraine. So, I realize a lot of this is circumstantial.... but I still don't know how to go meet new people.
I feel like my New Year's Resolution is going to get a lot of use in the next few weeks..... be bold. Well, I'm trying. And slightly terrified. But, here I am in my new apartment with a girl I've only known for five months and my cat. I think I'm doing okay. Ish.
So that's my current update on Seattle. I'm sure I'll have less heart palpitations when I have a job and meet people. Because once I meet them, I'm confident of my ability to be charming and at least somewhat funny.
I'll even get to wear red lipstick more here... It's a city. People don't look at you like you're crazy if you're somewhat fashionable like they do in Tahoe.

More life to come later. I'm glad to be back to writing. I'll attempt to make it more consistent.

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