Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'll Be There For You

It's oh so fun to be a starving artist. I haven't been to the grocery store in six weeks. It's horrible. I've got a lovely things like cheese, crackers, chicken, rice and corn. That's really about it. I think that I'm going to apply for another job, just because as much as my box office income is good, it really doesn't work to well when I'm living on that paycheck to paycheck just to make rent. It's kind of an indication on how the future is going to be I'm sure, but I hope that it won't be that bad and that I can still have some form of expendable income... hence the need for the second job.
But today. On my lovely day off when I have no plans at all, I'm just sitting and watching Season 4 of Friends. Which truly is my favorite thing to do, to make me happy. To make me not worry about everything else going on and feel better. Nothing quite like a lazy day. Which I'm sure will turn into a job search at some point.... 

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