Friday, October 1, 2010

More of my Fabulous French Life (and Bridget's)

September 28- October 1st
Okay, Okay. I'm back. I know I took a hiatus for a few days, but it's been really busy.

Okay. Let's see. I posted on Monday, and it's Friday, so this week:
Tuesday: critique for fashion: she doesn't like them
Wednesday: critique for travel: she likes some, thinks they need more post production and work.
Thursday: Goat farm and then critique for Working Class: She like it, a few minor things should change.
Thursday and Today: Fountaine de Vaulcluse again and lots of pictures.

The Source at Vaucluse

The water wheel at Vaucluse

Grapes! So fresh on the vine!

The Luberon Valley
Dylan the "Goat Whisperer"

So let's start with Thursday. Jen saw a goat farm our first week here and really wanted to take her printmaking classes to go sketch goats if we had time and could get in. She managed to find a goat farm to let us come visit, and on Thursday she took one of her Intro to Print classes, and anyone who wanted to tag along from Working Class could (which was only me and Bridget. Abby was there too, but she's in both classes). On the way there, Jen got super lost, and we drove around in a big, bumpy circle for about 30 minutes until we took another random road (this is like 30 minutes away from Lacoste in the first place) and found a man on a quad who came and asked us in french if we were looking for the goats (which of course we were, and laughing really hard about it) and he led us to the farm. We hung out there for about an hour and played with the baby goats, sketched and at the end bought goat cheese (the best I've EVER had!!!) and headed back to Lacoste.

On Friday (today) we had another printmaking field trip to Fountaine de Vaulcluse (where I've been before) but this time to see the paper making factory and one of the history museums. The factory was cool, but since they weren't doing a demo of paper making, it was all just kind of laid out for us to see, but the big water wheel was being used to make pulp for paper, which was really cool to see. The history museum was about the French Resistance, but everything was written in French, so obviously I didn't understand it. After the museum, Bridget and I hiked up to "The Source" (since it's a river that springs from pretty much nowhere, and is so so soooo clear) and checked out the actual cave where the water flows from. It was beautiful, so clear and so blue, but we know the water was absolutely freezing. Since we had been there before, we relaxed for a little bit and hung out on a bench and just talked and drank soda, and when we met up with Sunni and Helene we wandered back through town to take pictures of specific places I wanted to see. When we got back from Lacoste, (most of this happened a while ago, I just didn't mention it) we were waiting on Gwen, who used to be the director of Lacoste, to come pick us up because we are house sitting for her this weekend and watching her dog and cat. She took us to pick up a car, and I had to follow her (driving stick! Dad and Eddy, be proud you taught me well!!!! I only stalled once in about 30 minutes!) back to her house and then she showed us everything we needed. Since we had a car, I went and took some pictures that I needed for class around the valley and we got back just in time for coffee. Cat cut my bangs (woohoo!) and then it was a movie while editing pictures and then dinner. And of course down to the cafe after that :) And then to bed (which is where I am currently). I talked to my mom, aunt Evon and aunty Ginny over skype, and I'm about to crash! It's been such a long week, and today has felt never ending. So, that's all for now. We leave for Paris on Monday, and I might not have internet at all, or only a little bit until next Saturday night. But who cares! I'll be in Paris! I'm almost to the point of counting hours I'm so excited!

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