Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Week of Critique

September 17th- 23rd
The sun was just right... taken from my doorway to my dorm.
This past week has felt so long and so short at the same time. Monday was work, printing and getting ready to show my edits to Liz for class. I got to go down to the Residence du SCAD (the hotel that the college owns here in Lacoste) to pick up some things to ship to a guest, and I was so amazed at how beautiful the hotel was. I hope to stay there at some point in the future (take note Mom and Dad)  because it is really beautiful and in such an amazing location.

I had so much work to do on Tuesday and Wednesday for Working Class and Travel Photo that the days just flew by. Critique went pretty well for travel, more small technical notes than overall photo notes (which is a good thing) and Liz said that my food shots were the best that she saw out of the whole class. (Yay me!) It's certainly getting colder here in Lacoste and I'm so happy that I brought all the layers that I did :)

The husk of a flower ( I don't know what kind... a little help Mom? ) One of the most beautiful and delicate things I've found in nature

My cat friend
Thursday was critique for working class, which went over pretty well. My main critique was that most of my stuff was too clean, too perfect and I needed to let some more stuff just happen, so I'm okay with that critique. For Seminar we took a trip to Sangion, which is about a 25 minute drive from Lacoste. It's located above Apt (where we go to the market every weekend) and has an amazing view over the valley. The first place we went was the Garden of Curiosities, where most of the things were dead, but it was still beautiful. We were only there for about 20 minutes, but we all got to walk around and take pictures. It's always nice to just be out of Lacoste for a little while. We headed back towards the village itself, and everyone went their separate ways. I wandered through the streets that were all covered in leaves that are changing colors. I ended up making friends with a cat who followed me around for a while until I ran into Alex and we walked up to the little castle at the top of the town. The view of the valley and the entire town was breathtaking, and the sunset was starting to look amazing. It was quite cold though, and the second it started to get shady it started to get colder and colder. We drove back to Lacoste, and just as we were hitting Pont Julien the sky looked like it was on fire. Liz pulled the van over so we could take pictures just because it was so amazing. After that it was back to the cafeteria for dinner and then an early night to get ready to go to Aix en Provence.

Sangion's church and town from the castle.

Sunset at Pont Julien (this is really what the sky looked like, I didn't touch the colors at all)

Friday was a full day trip to Aix, where we really had no specific plans or places that we had to go. I met up with Spencer Myers, who went to middle school and high school with me (for those of you who don't know him) because he's studying in Aix until May. It was really nice to have my worlds collide for a hot minute in South France. I was with Marissa, Bridget and Breece, and when we met up with Spencer we went to lunch and then wandered around looking for a few different shops. Marissa got her nose pierced (which looks so good on her!) and I bought a hoop for my own nose, since I haven't had anything in it for more than a year. We wandered in and out of a bunch of shops and I bought a few birthday and Christmas presents for people and when we finally ended up at the art supply store I got some paper and wrapping stuff for both Vernissage and presents. By the time we ended up back at the bus everyone was exhausted as usual. We had the hour bus ride back to Lacoste, dinner and then getting all dressed up for Lauren's birthday! We had bought a few bottles of wine for her birthday, and all sang before she drank her wine. We headed down to Cafe du France (as usual) and got a couple of karafs of wine bought for us. The wine flowed freely all night, and everyone had such a good time.

Today was a lazy day for the most part. A bunch of us didn't go to Apt today because Working Class and Metals and Jewelry are going to the market in Isle-sur-la-Sorgue tomorrow. It's bigger than the Apt market and has more antiques and such. I did a photoshoot again after lunch, a completely different style this time, and then went and hung out in their room. I ended up in Bridget and Becca's room (big shock, I know) and Becks and I watched The Last of the Mohicans while Bridget kind of watched (but more of slept through the whole thing). After the movie, Sunni and I walked down to the vineyards in the valley so that we could take pictures. The lighting was pretty much perfect while we were down there and we took a ton of pictures and then walked all the way back up the hill to our dorm. A definite note; I'm way more in shape than when I got here. All the French food means my figure is still the same (curvy and wonderful :) ) but I'm not panting (as hard) when I walk back up the hills. Which is a good thing. And my calf muscles are amazing if I do say so myself.
So tomorrow is the flea market in Isle-sur-la-Sorgue and I'm hoping to find inspiration for my final for Working Class, as well as take some amazing pictures. Final critique is the week after next so I have to start figuring out printing and what I also want to submit for Vernissage. I have a couple of photos that I think would do really well, as well as my two etchings (if I ever finish them!) and hopefully something from working class. But, those are things to think about tomorrow. For tonight, I'll edit pictures and watch dvds :)

They're the color of blueberries.


There are no more grapes.

Vineyards :)

Oh, hey. This is where I live. No big deal.

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