Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Funny How Time Flies

And here we are another 2 months later. How did that happen? It's not that I haven't had thoughts about writing in the last two months. I've had plenty of things I've wanted to say, though I find them not appropriate for everyone to read. So I've kinda just cataloged them in my head for a later date when they're slightly less relevant to my immediate life, but still just as interesting of thoughts.  In the last two months I feel like I've traveled all over California...oh, wait... that's because I have. Erin and I road tripped down to San Luis Obispo in the beginning of August to help Joelle move back to Tahoe before she turned around and moved to Berkeley to start at Cal. We drove back up the Pacific Coast Highway on our way back, SLO to Monterey and then home from there, and then I spent 7 hours by myself driving up to visit Erin two weeks after that, and then driving myself back down the PCH to my cousin's house in Santa Rosa... So I've managed to essentially accomplish my goal of driving the PCH this summer. Though it wasn't exactly how I wanted it, I was supposed to do it with Dylan. Maybe one day we will, though I don't really think that's going to be any day in the immediate future. Or my foreseeable future for that matter. But I would still like to.

After driving up and down the coast it was 3 straight weeks of work (the paychecks were worth it), then Savannah for a whirlwind weekend for Pam and Paul's wedding, as well as 4 photoshoots, a dinner party, bachelorette party, dress fitting and multiple meeting ups with my friends and my darling husband, Cooper. Then it was back to Tahoe for 3 short day and a flight down to San Diego, where I currently am. I've been here for a week and all I've been doing is applying for jobs and reading (And a fabulous day of just netflix and nothing else) and more reading.
Once you find yourself alone.. your head starts to drive you crazy. Really. My friend Derek lives down here, and I hung out with him, his girlfriend and our other friend from home, Keelan, last week. And then last night I hung out with my psuedo-little sister Devyn. Besides that... I've been absolutely horrible about staying on my diet and getting more and more depressed daily by the fact that I don't have a job in my field, as well as the fact that I don't have a temp job either. Among that there are so many other things I worry about; finding a car that I can afford, making money, making people happy, the constant stress of making images that can be considered art, dating again and all those fun things...

Needless to say, I don't know if the time by myself (well, and the dogs, but they just look at me with their puppy dog eyes and want me to feed them) is necessarily as good for me as I thought it would be. It's making me look at a lot more of my flaws than I want to. That and I feel like a little bit of a fool wearing stilettos around the house, but I have to preserve some of my humor somehow. Books at least are a good escape for my mind... but I've gone through four 400 something page books since last Saturday... so in 6 days. I only have five books left, and my bank account won't accept me splurging on new ones. So.... that should be interesting.

I am motivated to go for a run though, because there's actually a scale here and as much as I hate myself every morning for stepping on it, it's become and addiction for me. (Did I add that the stilettos make my calves look fabulous... just another good reason to wear them.) I don't think it's necessarily a healthy addiction either... just one that's going to make me despise myself for a million more things.

Anyway. I'm going slightly crazy being here by myself. I'll willingly take phone calls and skype dates from anyone willing to give them :)

Pacific Beach with a fisheye lens. Sexy, I know.

Tahoe at 2:30 AM after a night rainstorm with the glow from Reno on the left and Carson City on the right.
So hopefully I'll write soon with some fabulous news that one of the 18 jobs I've applied for has hired me and that I'll have a fabulous start to my career and soon after I'll be famous. Or something like that.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Wow. It's been a long two months since I've written anything. In the last two months I've tackled:
My first wedding; Bethany and Dustin
Senior finals (4.0 baby!)
My senior showcase; Just Let Go and saying goodbye to Cooper
My family coming to Savannah.
Graduation and saying goodbye to my closest friends
Driving to Memphis and back
My second wedding; Sarah and Chris
Officially moving out of 311 E 38th St and cleaning it like no other
Packing and shipping more than 200 lbs of my life back to California
Being re-united with Cooper
My second 3rd of July away from home
My first 4th of July in Savannah
A LOT of margaritas and hugs goodbye
Actually leaving the DFW airport. I think it was the 12th or 13th time I've flown through there and until a week ago, I'd never been outside.
Lauren's bridal shower and bachelorette party!
Flying home.
Having a first date that should have happened..... 5 years ago.
Unpacking said 200 lbs of stuff
Moving into my brother's room, as mine is now the guest room.
Remembering what it's like to live in a small town.

The small town part still blows my mind a little bit. I forgot what it's like to go to the grocery store and know everyone there. And that no one really changes here, or we have changed, but the second one sees ones friends from high school, one falls back into the roles we had back then.
So now the real test of life begins... Job searches, finding where I want to live, maybe moving again, finding a new love and letting go of the threads of old... It's going to be an adventure. I'm ready. For anything. I just want to get in the car and drive... just go anywhere and do anything and take pictures. Yep. That's what I want.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


See? I'm horrible at actually keeping up with these things. Then again, it is the busiest 3 weeks of my SCAD career; a shoot (or two) every day, preparing for finals, preparing for my show (SO NOT READY) and trying to pack my life into boxes and get my love life sorted out.... not exactly the best time for me to dedicate time to writing. Though I do think about it constantly....

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Okay, I'm slacking
May 1st:   A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with.

Hmm, well. I don't really do anything too messed up most of the time. So the person I get into the most trouble with... Cooper Westbrook. Not that we actually get in real trouble, but we do have our fun. Lots and lots of fun.

May 2nd: A picture of something you hate.

May 3rd: A picture of something you love. 
Earnest. Enough said. He's my cuddle bubba.

May 4: A picture of your favorite band or artist.
This is hard. Hmmmm. Actually, wait, easy. Pink. I love her. I don't care what anyone else thinks, I love her and her music and her attitude and her relationship with her husband (which quite perfectly tends to describe my life at the time) and everything else about her. :)

May 5: A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
As easy as it is to think it, it's harder to actually say it. I could not imagine my life without Maddie. I know that a lot of people wouldn't believe that since our breakup, because both of us are borderline of not actually being in each others lives, but at the same time, I never thought that my life wouldn't have her in it. Even now, it still will. Just in a different way. But, my life would not be the same without her, at all, nor will it be from this point on. I still want her to be part of my life. And I know that she feels the same way. Now it's just the process of being okay with the fact that it won't be exactly how I expected it. But, that's life. 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Laughter Is The Best Medecine.

Okay, I missed a day. But it's because I was out having fun.
8. A picture that makes you laugh.

I don't think I really need to say anything about this... It's still one of my favorite pictures I've taken that still makes me laugh. 

At Garrett's graduation party

 9. A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

Trying to fit in the front seat with Joelle.
At my solo show opening
Well. That's easy. My darling mother. She puts up with me all the time. I mean, my dad does too, but I don't call him four times a day to ask random things and give random facts.  And I can call her and tell her ANYTHING... and she pretends to not act too shocked most of the time. After her it's Maddie and then my biffles Erin and Joelle again, but my mom has been there for EVERY crisis in my life from temper tantrums over sleepovers to terrorist attacks in foreign countries (though I think she was freaking out about that one more than me). And my mother is wonderful, beautiful and hilarious. I love her so much and I have absolutely no clue what I would do without her. So.... some of my favorite pictures of my mother....

My favorite picture of my parents....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

There's Something In The Water

7. A picture of your most treasured item.
Another hard one, yet easy at the same time. I don't really have many material things that I treasure (only my laptop, iPhone and hard drives, but I kinda just count those as essential for my life, not necessarily treasured items. Though they really do contain all the pictures I've ever taken. Hmm. Food for thought).
Isn't he just too cute?
And I can't consider Earnest an item. He's more of... cat-person. love bundle. wheezing bed hogger. but oh so cute and I love him so very much.

So. I think that my most treasured item would have to be my Tahoe necklace. Which may seem silly to some people. Because, yes, it is just a necklace. But almost all the people that I grew up with, my mother, my cousin, most of my friends... we all have one. Tahoe isn't just a place, it's kind of a feeling. And Tahoe people are weird. We know. There's something in the water.  Most people aren't in touch with the majority of their friends from high school, most people didn't grow up doing 5 sports and spending summer days next to one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. One can forget and take for granted the Tahoe way of life... but it always loops back around. I wouldn't be the person I am without most of the people at the lake, in both a positive and negative way. There are so many people that pushed me to be so much better by not doing anything themselves, by wanting to live "the high life" in the Sierras. I mean, don't get me wrong. I know it's amazing. And it's an amazing place to raise children and have a family, but there are so many people that are still just THERE. And I have had my doubts in myself because I'm going back. But I'm going back for a few month vacation before I get to start "real life" with a job and everything. I don't plan on being there past December, January at the latest. Next year will find me with a new job, a new city, maybe a new boyfriend or girlfriend. Who knows. But my years of living next to the dazzling blue lake are over. Until I retire and take my parent's house.
Tahoe, front and center. And my hair at the longest it's ever been.
But back to my necklace. It reminds me of this. Every. Day. Because I never take it off, I'm constantly reassured by the fact that it is there, it is my past, that I look at every day and urge myself to be better. Because I don't want to just be that small town girl, the one that went to art school and didn't go anywhere after that. I'm better than that. Because there's something in the water.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


6. A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Well. Top of my list is my cat, Earnest because he literally sleeps all day, and when he wakes up he gets to cuddle with me...
Besides that. Let's see.
I would have to say Samantha Brown, from the Travel Channel. She seems so together, she gets to travel to beautiful amazing destinations all over the world!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tis The Season

5. A picture of your favorite memory.
Oh lordy. So many to choose from. How about pictures from my where my favorite memories are made every year? And "favorite" is so hard. Because I'm blessed enough to have a million different amazing memories... ones from France, India, Savannah, home.... So this is a collective of... The best party of the year in Tahoe. Yes, yes, I am talking about my fantastically amazing Christmas party, and the new addition of my summer party, but mostly my Christmas party. It's the best place to be on December 22nd! I have so many memories (and the loss of many as well) with so many people that I only get to see once or twice a year.... <3 <3

Monday, April 25, 2011

Red Lipstick: The Beginning

4. A picture of your favorite night.

Or lots of pictures. The amazing Lauren Howe's 22nd birthday, the night we all started wearing red lipstick. Namely, the night that I started wearing red lipstick and realized that I'm one of those strong, beautiful women that CAN wear red lipstick. Might I add this is also the night that I realized that second chances are a good thing, as they are exactly what they need to be.


On a side note, I miss my French family ever so much. This really was one of the most amazing nights there.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

When The Rain Starts To Pour

3. A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
 There are no words to how much I truly love this show. I own all 10 seasons and I've watched every single episode so many times.

So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D O A
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
When it hasn't been your day, your week
Your month or even your year but

I'll be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
I'll be there for you
(Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for you
('Cause you're there for me too)

You're still in bed at ten and work began at eight
You've burned your breakfast so far things are going great
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these
But she didn't tell you when the world
Has brought you down to your knees that

I'll be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
I'll be there for you
(Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for you
('Cause you're there for me too)

No one could ever know me, no one could ever see me
Since you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me
Someone to face the day with, make it through all the rest with
Someone I'll always laugh with
Even at my worst, I'm best with you, yeah

It's like you're always stuck in second gear
When it hasn't been your day, your week
Your month, or even your year

I'll be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
I'll be there for you
(Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for you
('Cause you're there for me too)

I'll be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
I'll be there for you
(Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for you
('Cause you're there for me too)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

They Make My World Go Round

2. A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

I'm modifying this. Because, growing up in a small town, I've been friends with a lot of people for a really long time. But being the closest with them. Hmmmm. How about the two people that have been the most amazing people and influences in my life for the last 13 and 11 years. I think that counts. 

Erin and Joelle have been with me through everything. Erin has been one of my best friends since we were 8 years old and everyone had their little cliques, and we were the "spies" in between. We had a rough patch from 5th-6th grade, but since then, we've been inseparable. Joelle has been my best friend since the day I met her in 6th grade. We've been in one fight ever. For a stupid reason.

So. Between these two, I'm always safe, I'm always happy. I always get stuck sleeping in the middle. But I couldn't live without the two of them. They've been the closest to me for the longest, more than a decade for both of them. And we're still young. They'll be in Savannah in 31 days for my senior showcase, and they're staying through my graduation. I can not wait to see them, I've never been as homesick and missed them as much as I have in the last 6 months.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Challenges and Facts.

On occasion, I attempt to do challenges in photography, like the Flickr 365 challenge (I think I got to day 55). So I'm going to attempt to do a shorter one. 30 Days, a picture every day. So. Here's the whole list... what to look forward to...
  1. A picture of yourself with 15 facts
  2. A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
  3. A picture of the cast from your favorite show
  4. A picture of your favorite night
  5. A picture of your favorite memory
  6. A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
  7. A picture of your most treasured item
  8. A picture that makes you laugh
  9. A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
  10. A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with
  11. A picture of something you hate
  12. A picture of something you love
  13. A picture of your favorite band or artist
  14. A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
  15. A picture of something you want to do before you die
  16. A picture of someone who inspires you
  17. A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
  18. A picture of your biggest insecurity
  19. A picture and a letter
  20. A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
  21. A picture of something you wish you could forget
  22. A picture of something you wish you were better at
  23. A picture of your favorite book
  24. A picture of something you wish you could change
  25. A picture of your favorite day
  26. A picture of something that means a lot to you
  27. A picture of yourself and a family member
  28. A picture of something you're afraid of
  29. A picture that can always make you smile
  30. A picture of someone you miss

Day 1: A picture of yourself and 15 facts.

1. My life is not what I expected it to be. At all. Not in a good way or a bad way, just different than I planned, hoped and expected.
2. I consider cutting off all my hair daily. But I don't think I can bring myself to do it because it just took so damn long to get it the way it is.
3. I'm terrified of graduating college. I really feel like I have no direction at the moment and it scares me that I spent $100,000 on my education and I don't know what to do with it.
4. Women with curves are sexy.
5. I will always have an obsession with chocolate. It's just too good to give up and it doesn't make me break out, so I love it. I will always love it.
6. My cat, Earnest, makes me ridiculously happy. Even when he's trying to chew on my eyelashes at 4 am.
7. I am really, seriously obsessed with my iPhone. I don't know how I functioned without it, I can multitask so much better now.
8. I want to move to Seattle, and have a fresh start. Yes, I know it's rainy, but I also wanted to go there for school 4 years ago. I still want to go, want to try, and I can deal with the rain. I'll just buy a cute rain jacket.
9. I want to travel the world, and I would love to work for a travel magazine.
10. I've just recently realized that I'm quite terrified of water that I can't see in. As in almost every body of water on the East Coast, minus some sections in Florida. At first I was just snobby about swimming in water that isn't clear, but then I realized I'm actually afraid of it.
11. Regardless of the fact that I might be slightly terrified of gross water, it will always make me feel better, feel more grounded if I'm upset and I get in a large body of water. Tahoe works best, but I'll make due with the Atlantic, Pacific or a variety of swimming pools.
12. I have realized that men really, honestly are intimidated by confident women. And not in the "he's just not talking to you because he likes you" type way, but in the fact that in the last 6 months, I've had three men whom I've given multiple chances over the last six or seven years, all of a sudden decide to tell me that they were naive and cared about me and were just afraid to admit it. I mean, come on. Get over yourself. I guess I'm intimidating.
13. I actually decided to go to SCAD and move to Georgia on a whim. It obviously worked out, and I'll take it as a sign that I should follow my gut more and do what feels right.
14. My personal philosophy includes "If it's meant to be, it will happen".
15. I'm addicted to sourdough bread.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Not able to do that at all. I feel like the hours of every day are so slow and the days are so fast. Everything is scheduled for the same time, and I watch the minutes tick by on my laptop in classes, but then the class is over, the day is over, the week flies by and I somehow only have three of each class left. Maybe I just need to make a to do list. And a list of classes. Things that are due in each class. My hours of work.
Even though I have a smart phone, and can put all this stuff in it, it still doesn't seem to be helping me. In two weeks I'll be in St. Louis with all my print friends, but regardless, I'm not quite ready for the conference. Nor am I ready for the end of the quarter to actually happen, but I'm ready for it to be over. I feel like time has just moved so fast over the last 10 weeks.

It's been overwhelming as well listening to lectures about money every day in multiple classes. As much as I try and avoid it, I feel like my life is revolving around money... or the lack thereof. The tools that I need for my industry are so expensive, though I feel like so much of it is upfront costs, not necessarily things that I have to purchase over and over again...
5D Mark II: $3,299. 50 mm 1.4 $379. 27" iMac $1699. Lensbaby Composer kit $449. WD 2TB external $137..... $5963.00....... 
CS5 Student Price $299, Lightroom 3 Student $81.56.... Bringing my total to... $6344... rounded up of course....

That's just to start. Just getting up and running. There are so many elements that fall into it, as well as the fact that I have to purchase things such as CS5 and Lightroom 3 before I graduate, which then would need to be downloaded on both my laptop and my iMac.... there are just so many components to do what I love. But, it is what I love and what I want to do.
It's hard to focus on school when I just want to move, and to go and to shoot. And travel. Everywhere. I feel like I don't want to be tied to anything at all, and though I'm not technically tied to anyone anymore, I have so many EVENTS that I'm tied to. I would love to just be a cruise ship photographer for a while... make some money, meet some people and just SEE places, but what am I going to do about the weddings I'm attending and shooting? Those aren't for months, so it's not as if I can sign a contract to go out to sea for 6 months and just take off for those weddings. It's not how it works.
I just can wait to clear my head... both over spring break and after I graduate. I just need to go, to drive, to be able to come back and be inspired again. But of course the planning involved in everything is just consuming me.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'll Be There For You

It's oh so fun to be a starving artist. I haven't been to the grocery store in six weeks. It's horrible. I've got a lovely things like cheese, crackers, chicken, rice and corn. That's really about it. I think that I'm going to apply for another job, just because as much as my box office income is good, it really doesn't work to well when I'm living on that paycheck to paycheck just to make rent. It's kind of an indication on how the future is going to be I'm sure, but I hope that it won't be that bad and that I can still have some form of expendable income... hence the need for the second job.
But today. On my lovely day off when I have no plans at all, I'm just sitting and watching Season 4 of Friends. Which truly is my favorite thing to do, to make me happy. To make me not worry about everything else going on and feel better. Nothing quite like a lazy day. Which I'm sure will turn into a job search at some point.... 

Monday, February 21, 2011

I Think I'm a Mis-Matched Sock

Laundry is the most constant thing in my life. And the dishes. They both just pile up every day and accumulate until I'm drowning in them.
Right now I feel like a mismatched sock. Which, might I add I have more than 30 of. Half of these socks I had no idea I even had. And I kinda feel like them right now; off to the side and just waiting for something to happen to me. Waiting for my match to miraculously appear from the dryer. Or a drawer. Or under the bed.
Anyway. I'm horrible at writing down my actual thoughts. I try to. I have THREE notebooks in my purse. My little black book (I've written on the first 5 pages) my little brown book (4 pages) and my yellow book (6 pages). I think about writing all the time, and my head thinks in these grand, rambling sentences. But I can never manage to find time to put pen to paper, which saddens me, because I can find so much to type. I type all day, every day. Thousands of words, and it takes me half the time that it would to write it down (which is 90% of my appeal I suppose), but it drives me crazy sometimes to not be able to actually write what I want. To create an actual piece of paper that has words on it, not just a digital reference. I suppose I'm rambling, but I feel the same way about my artwork right now. Everything is digital, on the computer, not something that I'm touching and feeling and MAKING. That's why I love printmaking so much, but even that just feels like such a bit of digital imagery to me right now, even though it shouldn't because I'm making huge monotypes full of ink and I'm usually a hot mess and covered in ink when I'm finished. But besides those actual moments when I'm covered in ink.... I feel like a mismatched sock.

And a quote from my grandmother to leave this off: "Carly you can do anything you put your mind to. ANYTHING. I just hope you don't decide to be president because I think I'm getting to old for the campaign trail."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Interview with the AMAZING Matt Armendariz

For my business class, my professor had us conduct interviews with photographers that we found inspiring, and on the list of my top three was photographer Matt Armendariz. He's a photographer that lives and shoots in Long Beach, California, and his true passion is food. He's primarily a food photographer, though both his website and his food blog have featured bits on both people and travel, so he really covers pretty much all the things I love! His blog is the number 7 food blog in the world, according to the Times Online, and he has been featured on Martha Stewart as well as in many magazines. I was so happy that he answered some of my questions about business and random studio questions, though I was really most pleased about him sharing his passion with me about food and photography. I have some of his answers below!

Are you a Californian (I am :) ) or have you lived elsewhere and has that influenced the way you work and conduct business?
I am originally from Austin, Texas but have lived in Chicago and San Francisco before settling in Los Angeles. I think this has influenced how I run a business, most definitely. Having worked with different designers and photographers in those cities has shown me the things I love about running a business, the types of services I value as well as the things I did not want to do. I'm not sure it's affected me creatively as much as it has in running a business.

What inspired you to become a photographer? Did you attend school for photography or are you self taught?

I'm self taught everything. I started as a graphic designer and art director. I was hiring all sorts of photographers for projects as well as the stylists, booking the location, creating the story, etc. I started having moments towards the end of my art direction career that became exceedingly frustrating: what i was getting back from the photographer wasn't what I was seeing in my mind. So I'd work with another photographer. And the same thing would happen. Mind you, the photos were perfect -- beautiful, correctly exposed, nothing wrong technically. But this issue kept nagging me until I realized that the problem wasn't with the photographer but with me. What I was seeing in my mind wasn't the same as what I was getting by putting together 4 people or how ever many to make an image. So I realized the only way to remedy this was to learn how to shoot myself. If I couldn't learn and figure it out then I'd have to learn to communicate better with the photographer or find someone that shot the exact way I wanted. Granted, that's a bit of a should hire a photographer based on what they can bring to the project. So becoming a photographer was the only logical choice I could have made.

For 3 years I never put down a camera. Not once. It went everywhere with me and I mean that literally. I had to learn to become comfortable with it in my hand, how to make it become an extension of my mind. I already had the creative part down -- I spoke the language of color, proportion and perspective fluently from all those years in design. What I needed to learn were the technical aspects, specifically f stop and aperture. Once those all started working together I began to make the images that I had in my head, it was a huge moment of self revelation. I haven't stopped since.

You said you like to shoot travel and people as well, have you ever considered shooting those as your primary focus? What is the allure to the food photography industry for you? You've said that all cuisine has beauty, but is that why you started/continue to shoot it?

I probably won't ever stop shooting food. It's the thing I love most. There are times when proportionately it's less but it won't ever be out of my system I'm sure. Also, with my background in food I feel as if it gives me an advantage on set. I can't tell you how many times I've let my big giant multimillion dollar clients know that something won't work on set or that this food subject isn't in season right now or culturally this group may like this photo but this other group would see it differently. And this is all just about food! I think the allure is that I know it, I breathe it, it's what I do even when I'm not shooting food. And we will always be taking pictures of food, always.

But back to my answer up above, that really explains why I started shooting food. By default I was in the food business and I was able to use my own images in my work once I felt like I was good enough.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Aaaand I'm Back!

I might not be in France anymore, but I find that I still think about writing a lot, as well as the fact that I'm HORRIBLE at keeping a journal, but I can type like nobody's business. I'm finally just getting back into the swing of things here in the states, and I'm all the way through mid-terms in my second to last quarter of SCAD! I only have two classes left that start in March; Senior Project and Alternative Processes.
I'm both thrilled to pieces to be finished (one of a handful of my graduating class from high school to actually finish in four years) and scared half to death. Due to a major change in my relationship status as of late, I find myself without a plan, a place that I want to move, a job that I want and a place to put my furniture in June. But, I still have my cat, Earnest, my camera and my ridiculous amount of spunk about life. So everything will be okay, because in the end, whatever is meant to be will happen. That's the outlook that I'm taking at least.
My (new) website should be up and running sometime this week! I've been working hard at trying to figure out what I want to put on it... I truly have so many photos. I think that France will have its own section, but that will take quite a while to sort through as I still haven't even looked at half of the photos that I took there. I don't even have any new work to really put up, I've found it hard to shoot after the intense overload of France. But, soon (hopefully my birthday, but probably graduation) I'll be getting a big, beautiful 5D Mark II, and then I will never want to put it down. It will be like falling in love with photography all over again.
But. It's late, the laptop is dying and I have a shoot in the morning.

Ahhhh, what a good feeling to write again.