Sunday, September 12, 2010

Apt Marketplace Adventure

 September 11
The Luberon Valley looking at Bonnieux
Spices: Apt Marketplace
Apt Marketplace
Pont Julien
Rocks and limestone silt at Pont Julien
Lacoste from the downtown road
One of the rooms in the library

Today was an early day with an adventure in the marketplace in Apt, the closest major town. They pretty much just let us go with an end time (11:15) to be back at the bus. It was certainly confusing. I headed to the grocery store and bought some lovely snacks (granola bars and such), and then to the art store to get pencils for my printmaking class, some charcoal pencils for sketching (let's see if I actually go through with that). I managed to make it back through the marketplace with another girl (we powered through) and on the other side, close to the buses, I bought some goat cheese (which is so yummy!). We all (for the most part... 3 girls didn't) got back on the bus and headed to Pont Julien which is a Roman Bridge built in around 17 AD. It's gorgeous and built with no mortar, just perfectly balanced. Something my father would love :) Anyway, we had a picnic lunch there, then back to campus to explore, see the boutique (where I'll be working) and wait for dinner to start at 7. I've discovered the library terrace, and it's my new favorite place on campus. The library in general is. It used to be a bakery, and the three story building has been turned into a modern library, with winding stairs, little rooms of books and comfy chairs. Heaven in a nutshell. And on the third floor is the terrace, which has a little table and two chairs and an exquisite view of the Louberon Valley, and Bonnieux across the way. I had drinks before dinner with a couple of my new friends and my roommate Sunni (it's her 21st birthday), and then dinner, and out to drinks afterward. Wine is cheaper than any other drink, so I got a pitcher type thing for last night (5 euro) and it was around 6 small glasses. Which is fine by me. More than half the program came down to the cafe last night for Sunni's birthday, and by the end of about 15 bottles of wine, everyone was quite happy. We trekked back up the hill and used the internet in the library (yep, still my favorite place!) and finally went to bed.

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