Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pont du Gard

September 24 and 25
Yesterday was truly amazing. The entire campus had a field trip to Nimes, a Roman city about an hour and a half away from Lacoste. We had about 4 hours free in the city after we toured the amphitheater that is still around from the Roman times. It was beautiful. After that I wandered around the center of the city and to the outskirts with Katie, Bridget, Breece and Alex. We got caught in the rain but ended up in the Roman bath houses near the Temple of Diana. We went to go eat at this little cafe where I had the most amazing ham and goat cheese sandwich. We found a bakery after that and got chocolate croissants.

We headed back to the bus and everybody was there (thankfully) and we headed to the Pont du Gard (a Roman aqueduct) where we had been told we could go swimming. The water was Tahoe temperature, but felt amazing. Bridget, Alex, Eric, Marissa, Catherine swam up-river to the actual aqueduct and swam underneath it. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever done. We climbed out and walked back, though it probably would have been faster to swim with the current. It was so refreshing though. Everybody piled back into the bus, and when we were almost to Lacoste, the was setting, and the entire sky looked like it was on fire (more rainclouds) and the second we got off the bus, it started pouring rain and everybody was running up the hill to get to the cafeteria and when we got inside it started hailing.
Today was a work session all morning (5 hours in the studio, printing on fabric) and then watching movies, dinner and then wine and more movies. But yesterday was one of the most amazing days of my life, swimming under the aqueduct was so beautiful and refreshing that I couldn't help but be in shock at how life is going for me right now.

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