Monday, September 13, 2010

Day of Lonelieness

September 13

Today, for me, was another day with no classes. Though everyone started at the rest of our campuses (Savannah, Atlanta and Hong Kong) I had no classes. Which was thrilling, let me tell you. I slept in (probably the only time all quarter that will get to happen), went to the library and computer lab, did some research, had lunch, more library time, coffee and dinner, more library time and then another hour or so in the library. And yep, that's about it. The library is still my favorite place, and I got to talk to some of my friends this morning (I called to wish them a happy first day of class), and I ended the day by watching the season finale of True Blood with Sunni. I also worked on figuring out who my models will be for my fashion stuff, which is going to be an interesting process. I'm finding it hard to ask people to model for me if I don't know them well, but I feel like once classes start, and I get to know people better, it will be easier. I have my first class tomorrow, and though I was a little apprehensive at first, I'm feeling much better. It's my Working Class Studio class (yay printmaking!) and I'm the only printmaking minor on campus. Which happens to boost my esteem just a little bit. I also applied for the Vernissage Student Coordinator position tonight, as well as filled out my stuff for work-study so I can work in the boutique. So overall, it was a somewhat productive day, which I'm now going to end by reading my book and rubbing my always sore feet.

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