Thursday, September 23, 2010


September 22 and 23
The craze is finally setting in. We have 10 days until Paris(!) and campus is mad. There are critiques in both my photo classes next week, as well as having a huge project due for Working Class Studio. But. In the last two days, I've gone to Avignon and worked my butt off for my other classes. Travel photo went to Avignon yesterday and we were there for about three and a half hours. We're pretty much just told to go and photograph, handed a map and given a time to be back. The freedom is wonderful, but there is so much pressure to not take the same pictures as everyone else. I ended up going to the Palace of the Popes, where the former Popes lived from 1309 to around 1417 ( I think, don't quote me on it), and it was beautiful. It was almost 10 euro for entrance, but it took me about an hour and a half to walk through with the self guided tour. The architecture was amazing, as were some of the decorations. I wasn't allowed to take photos of the rooms with frescos in them, but it was beautiful none the less. A lot has been re-built due to fire, but the reconstruction is beautiful as well, blending modern and ancient.

A bird fountain bird bath :)
Today was a long day as well, though I took the opportunity to sleep in. I'm pleased with the way that my printmaking is coming out, I've put a lot of time into this project so far. In Seminar II today we had an open work session, and I had a short critique with Liz. And by short I mean an hour. Sometimes it's so hard to please professors. Everyone has a different aesthetic that they like, and sometime your work just doesn't mesh with theirs. Liz is big into post-production of photos, and though I agree that sometimes it can thoroughly enhance your work, it's not my style. I'm still going to try it though. I'm certainly not as well versed in photoshop as I should be, and my tablet is still in Savannah, so it's going to be a little difficult to edit, but I think that it will be a good quarter to learn. Thankfully, every lab here is open 24 hours, so I can do work whenever I like.

After my critique with Liz, I did my second fashion shoot with Sunni. It went well, and of course now has so much editing to be finished, but I'm pleased with the way that it turned out. After the shoot was dinner, printing contact sheets and then printmaking until midnight. The hours are just flying by. And now that makes Paris in 9 days!

The Grand Hall in Palace of the Popes

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