Thursday, September 16, 2010


Grapes, warm and delicious in the sun
September 15 

Lacoste in the distance
A store that reminded me of my mother <3
Today has been a very long day. I slept through breakfast and woke up to find my entire house empty. So I decided to finish my only book that I brought, eliminating it from my distractions list before classes get intense. Granted, I still have my French for Dummies book on the floor, but I don't really consider that a distraction. After lunch I had my first Travel Photography class, which is a commercial photography based class that leaves little room for fine arts, but that's okay with me. This is the most intense of the three classes being taught by Liz, the work load alone is intimidating. We have three portfolios due throughout the class; one after Paris and the other two at the end of the class. One is a commercial travel portfolio and the other is based on a picture story line that is based on life in Provence. The class itself is six and a half hours long, but most weeks we will be traveling for that time. There are two classes that are dedicated to critique though, and those are going to be really long and tedious. We got out early from that class, and I had coffee with Liz to discuss my picture story. I'm planning on creating a portfolio based on the changes to the vineyards over the 9 weeks that we are here. Harvest happens soon, so the dynamic of the valley is going to change infinitely. After class, Sunni and I spent a few hours in the printmaking studio (my second favorite place) and worked on our first assignments. Jen was there to give me a little guidance in my sketches, and I learned how to clean and prep copper plates so that I can start working on an etching portfolio. Hopefully I can create a strong enough etching portfolio so that I can present it in Savannah and exempt myself from Intro to Etching and be able to move straight to Intermediate Etching. That's the plan at least. Which puts the total amount of portfolios I'm creating this quarter up to six. SIX. Insanity. It's a lot of work but at the moment I feel really up to it. It will be nice to keep my hands busy, but I currently have no ideas for etching. I have six pieces of copper; three that I can use as a series, about 5x7 size, and three more that are large and beautiful. Finding inspiration isn't hard, I just have to look a little bit, something I'm going to do in the morning. The advantage of not taking etching as an actual class is that I have no deadlines, but a lot of inspiration comes from my professors, sitting in a classroom and working with the people in Savannah. But I'm still okay with the freedom.
The rest of my day consisted of sketching in the studio, talking to my mom on skype (funny stuff. Her speaker didn't work so I had to call the house so that we could hear each other while we video chatted) and then I talked to Maddie for a bit to catch up on the crazy in Savannah. It's a wonder that art students have time to sleep at all.
And on that note, I'm going to attempt sleep.

Oh! And my cover of Connect came out today! Second cover in 6 months! :)


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