Sunday, September 12, 2010

Orientation and Bonneiux

The view of Lacoste from the bottom of the long hill
September 12
The church at the base of the town of Bonneiux
Yellow daisies in Bonneiux behind one of the walls of the villas
Early morning today! Up for breakfast and the 9 am tour of campus, and all the overview of all the rules (which are mostly the same as the Savannah campus). It took an hour ish to go through all the papers and then Mary and Eleanor took us on a tour of the campus (a lot of walking uphill, as usual) and then when we were finished we were free to do what we liked for the rest of the day. On the tour I found plenty of places where I can start shooting my fashion portfolio while I'm here, with amazing views of the valley, and the contrast of stone and vegetation. Lunch was waiting when we finally made it back after walking everywhere, and after lunch I decided to join some people and walk to Bonneiux. Rebecca had gone yesterday, so she kind of led us where we needed to go. We stopped a lot on the way there, taking pictures and waiting for people (we were in a big group). We also managed to sample some of the grapes from the local vineyards. They were ripe, juicy and warm right off the vine, and there was plenty of other fresh fruit growing along the way (including deliciously sweet blackberries). When we finally arrived (more hills!) we explored the church a little bit, and then got ice cream (passion fruit... and I ordered it in French!) Rebecca and I decided to walk back after that, we were hot and a little tired, and it was a lot faster going back, due to the fact that it was mostly downhill until we got to the base of the the hill upon which Lacoste sits. That was a super steep slope (I stopped quite a few times... It's been a while since I've lived anywhere with a significant elevation) and after hiking up that I was wiped out. I came back to my dorm, took a shower that felt like heaven after all the hiking, and came up to the library to call my parents and a few other people... and that is where I sit now! I'm about to head to dinner, and after that crash in bed with my book. Classes technically start tomorrow, but I don't have any classes on Monday, so I still have a free day. I'm going to spend most of it at the library, researching for my Travel Photography class and writing a proposal. I also found out that we're doing designs for working class studio  that are for a children's clothing company in Atlanta. They're hoping to pick one design to re-produce on a doll of sorts. So I'm going to start looking for information concerning that, and hopefully find a little bit of inspiration. Its certainly going to be different from my rotten fruit that I did for my last printmaking class.....
The lowest street of Bonneieux

But...goodnight! Bonne nuit!

Some plant... but it looks cool!
A very tempting swimming pool... with Bonneiux in the distance

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