Sunday, September 19, 2010

Art School Chic

Me, Marissa and Bridget with some of Andreas Kock's work

September 18
Me and Sunni, my roommate
Becca, Hannah, Marissa, Bridget, Sunni, Lauren and Gracie all dressed in "art school chic"
The sunset over the Luberon Valley
Today was a fantastically long day. I woke up early to go back to the marketplace in Apt for a few things. I needed a new purse, sunglasses and razorblades so that I could finally shave my legs. I wandered around the marketplace with Lauren, and managed to find everything I needed. We were in the grocery store for a little bit, and I got colored pencils and some other random art supplies that I hadn't even thought about when I was packing from the States. We came back for the very end of brunch and after that I started my workstudy in the library. I organized all of the books that had come in from Savannah, and had a skype date with my parents. They were so funny, in their bathrobes and up so early in the morning to talk to me. From there, I went to go get ready for the exhibition that we had to attend wearing "art school chic". It was so much fun. The exhibit was beautiful, and everyone looked wonderful. The wine was flowing for everyone and I even managed to not die in my stilettos on the hill (though Melissa did convince me to take them off). After the exhibition everyone went down to Cafe du France, and kept up with the wine. Becca found a baby scorpion and put it on our table, and when it started coming toward me I spilled my wine. From there, the rest of the night went by fast, and I ended up in bed around midnight, after Bridget had eaten my crackers and cheese, and left crumbs everywhere....

Our scorpion friend that made me spill my wine

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